Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Faith and Retirement


A PLAN FOR MY LIFE....inspiration and guidance that came to me one day

Reading my daily devotionals, these were excerpts from 3 different books, all on the same day  -  they all spoke about “FAITH”.   In them contained these phrases that jumped out to me…. “faith is nothing without action”, “what fills you up so you can share your gifts with the world?”,  “leaning to live with faith is to take the next step  and faith is a conscious decision that our Creator has a plan in mind”

A couple of years ago, an ordinary event which in today’s world is not ordinary (but with hopefulness that life will soon be returning to normal) – I was sitting in Starbuck’s one Saturday morning sipping coffee and pondering what the future would hold for me.  I was in a year long relationship with a wonderful man and it was proceeding well. What was starting to stir up in my soul was needing a creative outlet. I seriously had no idea where it would lead, but there was a tiny seed that had started. I had some thoughts, no paper on hand, so I grabbed the wrapper in front of me and started writing down things that made no sense to me, but were swirling around in this crazy brain of mine.   In the order the words that were drifting up from deep inside me were: 




Good works

Balance (life/work)


Being the best version of you


I kept that wrapper and have now framed it.  I have faith this is what my retirement looks like and this was our Creator’s “Master Plan” for me.  He provided a true help mate (Rod) , who I have dubbed as my “Mr. Right”.  This man truly is the wind beneath my wings.  Together we are having a new barn built with enough open space for events, of which we are brain storming.  I can tell you that I will be holding a farm antique sale periodically throughout the year and have started working on “inventory”.   So more to come!  

The iconic barn which was in bad shape

We tore the barn down, burned the scraps and the new barn will soon be underway!

While I understand and think I know what some of this means for me, some I am unsure about - so I guess the plan will be revealed at the right time and I’ll move in that direction.  

A sneak peak on "treasures" that I am finding and refurbishing for the barn sale!

And with each step, I’ll share with you what we are doing, progress and of course hope that you will come join us in the events here on the “Swheat farm.”  Here's to new adventures!  I will be providing some tutorials along the way too as well as plan to hold some classes.

As always, thanks for stopping by, feel free to email me at if you have comments or questions  or just leave a comment on the blog.  All my best, Gayle


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