Looking out the window of my farmhouse a few weeks ago, I saw the snow protectively covering the wheat that was planted last October as it is in a semi-dormant state waiting for Spring. And it struck me that there were a few similarities of its growing season and how we all grow (emotionally) as people. The wheat responds to the outside factors such as the sun, the right amount of moisture, & nutrients to help it grow and reach maturity. If the Spring conditions are perfect wherein the plant gets ample rain & nutrients, the roots don’t have any reason to reach deeper and develop. So if weather conditions turn harsh, then the plant suffers, sometimes fails to thrive or grow to its potential as roots haven’t had the hard times to develop a good root base to seek out life sustaining nutrients (especially in our clay based soil). Through the hardships that have come along in our lives, hopefully we have all developed a good root system to help each of us seek out what helps and nourishes us. Would I rather have it easy? Well yes, because I’m human, but I wouldn’t have had to grow and get out of my comfort zone had I been given everything on a silver platter. The recent series of adverse events have made me reach even deeper to ground myself and what I have found is that my friendships with our family and many women friends have grown to a much deeper level. Together we have opened up more than we ever have, shared some brutally painful insights and we all know that none of us leads a "perfect life", but our “roots systems” are strong and deep. And this strong support system is what helps Kaitlyn and I get through each day as well as surviving the first major holidays or special days. While it wasn't easy to get through the first few months, we are finding we have a new zest for life and getting on with the business of life.
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Here is the presentation from the award ceremony & I must say rendered me speechless, literally!
And as the snow protectively has covered the wheat plant, the kindness shown in comments, emails and acts of kindness from so many have been my "protective cover" during this winter in my soul.
So I’ll leave on this final note that the lessons we learn we on a daily basis, are that we all need to honor the past, live in the present and create a future no matter what life has in store for us. As ultimately whether the lessons that come along in life are good ones or hard ones, each offers the wisdom of how to grow and survive. My motto, Grow Strong and Live On!
All my best, Gayle
And as a side note, again thank you to all who have left heartfelt comments or sent me an email and called me, as they lifted my spirits in a way that I can't find words to describe. Drop me a line at idahofarmwife@gmail.com .