Easter is traditionally the unofficial start of Spring work around this area here on the "Palouse" which is where our main farm (Genesee Farm) is located. As we have two farms in different locations, we can usually start about 2 weeks ahead of the main farm as the southern farm (we refer to it as the Tammany farm) is South and a little warmer plus the soil is sandier and drier. Farmers Joe and Jay along with Cody have been able to get a day in here and there to begin the planting of the spring wheat, and while we would love to be able to start, get everything planted and them move on up to the Genesee farm... the weatherman has not been too co-operative. Spring weather has crazy patterns so we basically have to be ready to go and work like crazy to get the seed in the ground as the weather can radically change from one day to the next as you will see later on in this blog....... The videos shown below are from Farmer Joe and Cody as they are in the field planting a hard red spring wheat. The weather was gorgeous, 61 degrees and sunny.