Below is Joe & Matt resting after one of their wild rides. What can I say about men and their toys! =)

On Saturday, we took Matt and Kathy to our annual Genesee Fireman's Crab Feed which is a local fundraiser for our volunteer ambulance/fireman. Our little farming community consists of about 1,000 people and our ambulance/fireman service is staffed entirely of volunteers. Joe was an EMT with the department the first 18 years of our marriage and we worked this event during all of those years. Now that he retired from the volunteer dept, we get to be guests instead of working it. Matt and Kathy are the crazy ones beside my husband. Our little granddaughter found us in the crowd and was giving grandma loves and hugs! =)

Here is Kathy and me taking a break. I had not been on a snowmobile for probably 25 years.... I'm a little sore all over. This was such a fun week-end and we enjoyed every minute of it.