Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Glam, Glitter and Guts

Because it is still quiet on the farm scene and it’s too early to get the tractor out and go play in the dirt or spend quality time with my backpack sprayer… well I’m sort of like a bad dog who when not busy can get into trouble.  And if I’m gonna get into trouble, usually I like to gather co-conspirators with me cuz they bring a variety of inspiration to the experience. And with that, if you recall me talking about uttering the words, “I have a plan”….

Heather (L), Me and Lezah (R) showing off in our Whoop 'em up dresses
and yup, these gals add inspiration to any experience!
This is the text that I sent to Heather, my good friend and part of the royalty we belong to called the ‘Farm Co-op Queens’  …….“Lezah and I have hatched a plan for Valentine’s Day!!!  We’re doing a mystery date for our men, we will be all dressed up in formals, the men will have instructions where to meet up, what to wear, what to bring their women and only Barney knows the location,  so are you up for an adventure?”
Of course, knowing Heather, she was all in and the only concern she had was  that her ‘tiara’ had been packed away due to a home remodel and did we have an extra tiara she could borrow?  And so the adventure began…..   We each went shopping by ourselves, I had in mind a 1950s era dress, which at the very last moment I found one, it fit perfectly and was exactly what I had in mind.  A few days before I had found a pinkish/red petticoat that I vowed to wear if I couldn’t find anything else. I think the Universe didn’t want me running amuck on the streets with just a petticoat on, so hence the perfectly fitted vintage dress came into my cross-hairs & I whipped out my debit card.  Then I get this text from Heather, “I found a perfectly awful 1980s polka dot dress and wait till you see my hair doo!”  Lezah was a bit more mysterious, telling us she found a black sequin gown, then surprised us in a lovely fluffy concoction of a dress that looked a bit like a fruity cocktail drink and one that I dubbed was probably an ugly bridesmaid dress at one time.   And as we dressed at Lezah’s house, sipping champagne adorned with a pink flamingo stirring stick, laughing at each other’s outfit, and wondering how our men would be reacting to our outfits, (Barney was worried….., Dan said, are you going to embarrass me? {Answer was Hell yes!!!!}  and my guy, Randy just said, “well it will be all okay, because you’re going to be there!” how perfectly sweet).   Little did Randy know, this was a test to see if he could hold up AND fit in with this Farm-chick’s crazy life.  And I’m very happy to report, he passed with flying colors, as did  the rest of the guys.  We were a sight to behold (at least in our own mind’s eye – yup “legend in our own minds!”)

All dolled up and ready to roll
But the waitress did request a picture with us. (Maybe it was a plea to her parent’s, “See what I have to put up with!  Send money so I can go back to college!”)  Who knows?  But I think the other guests liked our enthusiasm because when passing a table of 3 other couples also dining in close proximity, they called me over to buy me a shot of tequila & chat with them.    =)

And what I find interesting looking back is that prior to our mystery date, we all were telling our other girlfriends and co-workers what we were doing.  We had a variety of reactions, some told us - they loved the idea, but that they didn’t have the guts to do that, some said I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that sort of thing, only one or two looked askance at us, like there is something seriously wrong with you and I think the men in the white coats are coming for you, better run! 

And I was thinking this morning driving in to work, still smiling from the week-end, how redefining yourself and letting that natural crazy come out to play is a good game plan.  For way too long, I curbed that inner weirdness trying to portray a normal perfect looking life and that wasn’t a healthy thing for me to do to myself.  Thus when the opportunity of rebuilding my life presented itself, I realized I got to choose, and I choose Glam, Glitter and Guts is how I am going to live my life from here on out.

A big old thank you for stopping by, I’m only a click away so feel free to leave me a comment at swheatfarmlife@gmail.com  .  And with that I’ll leave you with a favorite saying below.  

From your glitter pal, Gayle

 “I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.”  - Maya Angelou

An impromptu moment of living life in the weird lane and loving every moment

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A URL upgrade

When I utter the words “ I have a plan” to family and friends… well it strikes terror in their hearts much to my amusement, cuz they wonder which end of the “plan” they will be on!! LOL.   It usually involves antics that I have to talk them into.  But in this case, with the New Year, well I've been energized to clean, organize, de-clutter and simply.  If it doesn't serve a purpose in my life, well out it goes…. that is both for items and taking an inventory of where I spend my time.  I've had to make some choices and take actions to accomplish my “plan”.  And with that, you may have noticed my blog looks a bit different, there is still more work to do on it, as it has sort of become like a junk drawer where everything is sort of in a mess.  And I am working to clean it up – so keep watching.  =)   I am also moving the URL from  http://www.idahofarmwife.net/  to my official new blog name, S-Wheat Farm Lifehttp://swheatfarmlife.net   effective 2/17/15 .  Because YOU are important to me, I don’t want to lose you or you lose me, so come next week, this is where you can find me in the event the transition gets bumpy.  Honestly I consider you a friend who has traveled with me on the road of life where sometimes the road was bumpy and you told me it would be okay and in the good times we laughed together, and that means the world to me.

And to give you a heads up…. Wait till ya see what “plan” my 2 girlfriends and I have put in place for our men on Valentine’s Day.    It started out with a text about where we were going to dinner… and then a “plan” developed and hatched….. oh my…. But I promise I will share!         

       As always you can email me at swheatfarmlife@gmail.com  to ask questions or tell me your thoughts.  Happy Valentine’s Day.  XOXO, Gayle