I write about “real
life” is what I told the Kate, the editor from the America’s Farmers blog site, then sent her
links to the 2 most pivotal blogs about changes not only in my life, but for my family as well and she loved it (links at the end). Her
words were “Wow! So raw and real”. And as
I mentioned before, I write a food and life blog for Monsanto every other
month, and I invite you to check out their site. Anyway as I was trying
to write a post blog for my own site, I had many thoughts swirling around
but I just couldn't get the words down … until now…..

Last Friday night I’d gotten a text from my (former) sis-in-law,
Lisa (who is married to Farmer Jay) that I had received an award at the annual
FFA banquet. And although I’d received an invite to attend, I opted to
stay home as I felt awkward & uncomfortable going to a hometown Ag event
solo. Had I known I would have gotten an award, well I would have put on
my “big girl panties” and went. Geez, I being a wimp! Anyway, that sort
of made my emotions go all over the place - just like the weather this
week-end, cloudy, rainy, some sun….. and
it finally hit me Monday morning driving to work, it was like a piece of the
puzzle of my old life had popped out and that I needed to put it back in its
place and I needed to continue to work
on the puzzle parts that are still to be completed. (guess it is safe to say
I’m a work in process J)
And I emailed both the FFA Alumni Chair and the FFA teacher to let them know
how pleased I was to have received the plaque, then openly admitted why I didn’t
go, and that I would have “put on
lipstick and got myself out the door” to their event had I known they were
presenting appreciation plaques. And then the FFA Chair wrote back "Some
of the kids come from broken families; but it’s sad to see a young adult get
awards and then realize none of their family is there to share the moment.
These kids work hard for their accomplishments, and some have learned at an
early age they have nobody to rely on but themselves. I think if you could
visit with some of the older students, you’d be an inspiration on how to make
lemonade out of the lemons of life.”
And I thought seriously? Me?
I don’t feel like an inspiration, but it made me realize two things - the
first, being open and honest and admitting your fear is okay, not only to
yourself, but to others as well; and the second is that fear can be a good thing if you make it work for you. In other words
fear made me learn things and get out of
my comfort zone. And had I not
confronted that fear, I never would have learned to drive a 2ton truck loaded
with thousands of pounds of wheat, nor learned to drive a tractor, or go zip-lining
or snorkeling or start writing publically.
Fear has led me in amazing directions!
Oh and there was one more thing, if someone does admit fear to you, be kind!
That kind email warmed my heart and soul and
it gave me courage and inspiration to face this fear (thank you Joyce) . And I made a vow to myself right then and
there that I would start going to the FFA events as well as other events even if I felt awkward.
And because not all rainy days are sad, I wanted to share a
special rainy day memory that will live on forever in my mind ……. Wheat harvest was in full swing, lots of hours
were being put in and I had taken the time off from work to drive the 2ton
trucks to help out. Rain was forecast and was closing in. Finally the down pour happened, even though rain
is not a welcomed site during harvest, it smelled heavenly. I remember pulling up to our house and when
walking through the door that afternoon and the smiles and hugs that I got from my little girls made
me realize that they were excited to see their mama .J That afternoon rain was
pouring down, we had the windows and doors open to smell that fresh scent and we made chocolate chip cookies. Rain and cookies…… hmmmmmm two smells unlike
no other and forever intertwined in my heart.
What baking looks like in a drawing from a 5 yoa |
Anytime it rains, well….. I can almost smell cookies baking! And of
course I will share my very favorite cookie recipe, so here ya go!
Chocolate cookie recipe (found on OMG Desserts)
And for me, life viewed through this farm chick’s eyes means
taking the time to see that it is better to brave the cloudy, rainy times in
life as it makes the sunny days all that much better. And by doing so that you grow in ways you
didn’t think were ever possible…... Yup…
hearts/souls and crops need all of it to
And with that I hope you have just enough rainy days of your
own to appreciate how magnificent the sunny days are, and that those dark clouds
will pass by.
One more thing, please reach out to all the wonderful women
in your family this Mother’s Day, smile and let them know you love ‘em a
lot. Plus bring them chocolate chip
cookies. Thanks for stopping by and feel free to drop me a line at
swheatfarmlife@gmail.com or leave a
J All my best, Gayle.