Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 - Living Intentionally

Happy New Year my friend!  2020 Adventures Await!

I remember the New Year’s Eve I celebrated when 1999 turned into 2000.  There was wide-spread fear about “Y2K” and how it would affect our life in the computer-age and the world. People were fearful. My eccentric dad bought copious amounts of “vasoline” .......don’t ask me why, but his supply today is still abundant! Lol  

Isn’t it amusing to think how sometimes we can be fearful of the future and the unknown?  Looking back from 1999 to 2019  was a decade of so many personal losses in my life and from some of those losses came amazing new gains where I was forced to show up for myself. And to chart new territories in waters that I had never been in before. And today, I feel like I have arrived in my safe harbor.