Thursday, December 31, 2015

Reflections and Happy Wishes

A truly beautiful view out my kitchen window.
 A winter wonderland 

The saying on the pillow says it all..... LOL!

It’s New’s Years Eve and looking back, it’s been a good year with more ups than downs.  Who could ask for more?  Of course, those of us in the Ag industry always hope for good crops, timely rains and high market prices (it’s just that farmer part of us! Lol).   But in my personal life, as the year is drawing to a close, I’ve cherished the journey, the good (and yes) the bad times, as I’ve learned lessons from both.   What I do know is that whatever happens, you have control of how to react and are the captain of your own ship.   My hope, for not only me, but for you is to let go of the things in your life that you may have outgrown and make way for living a life that suits you. Let yourself discover new beliefs and lessons that are good for you, let the sun shine in your heart and soul and may you move gently into the life that is the right fit.  May you be kissed everyday by the love of your life, see the smile from those you hold close and keep (or find) that childlike magic in everyday adventures.

As always, thank you for taking the time to stop by.  Definitely feel free to drop me an email at or leave a comment.

I wish you a very rewarding and blessed 2016.  All my best, Gayle