Monday, March 14, 2011

The Farm is Coming to Town

"Monsanto has announced a new Mobile Experience! The story of America’s farmers is making its way to your backyard. The America’s Farmers Mobile Experience is a 53-foot tractor trailer that folds out into 1,000 square feet of exhibit space. Step into this Mobile Experience and get a first-hand look at not only the demands global agriculture faces, but also how farmers truly are the solution. And learn it all in a mere 24 minutes." As quoted by


The farmer (Joe) and I got to tour this amazing mobile farm education center while in Florida at the farm conference.  I signed up to have it come to our area, so if/when it does arrive, you can be sure I'll be letting everyone know.   This is by far is the best educational tool outside of inviting people to the farm that I have seen.  The farm family that talks in this youtube clip mirrors what we, in the Ag industry, feel everyday.  There is a song on the radio that I heard with lyrics that say "this is the best day of my life", well being on the farm and doing what we do, everyday is the best day of our life.  As my blog sub-title notes, "Farming isn't just a job, it's a way of life".   Even today knowing the stock market will be crazy due to all the unrest in the Arab countries and now with the awful disaster in Japan, we still are thankful we are farmers and know that the crops we produce will help feed our nation as well as other nations too.

As always, glad you stopped by, email me at if you have questions, comments.

As for my other blog project that I mentioned earlier, I am in the process of combining blogs and farm agencies from all over the USA to help connect the consumer with the producer.  This is still a work in progress and I have gotten quite a lot accomplished, but there is still more seat time in front of my computer!  So stay tuned for more on that too.  Best Regards, Gayle