Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Planting Seeds for a Good Life

Today while on Facebook I saw I had memories to look back on, and so I took a moment to look.  The images were of the usual cast of suspects that I call my family celebrating  Thanksgiving, and while some are no longer here either by death or by choice, it was a poignant reminder of how vastly different my life is today from just three short  years ago.  That period  in my life was probably one of the most painful to go through, but I’m actually grateful for those hard times because it forced me to take stock of my life. 
Changes, some voluntary, some not made me decide that I needed to live life like a “Friday night instead of a Monday morning”.  I had forgotten somewhere along the way that life was special and to give myself permission to enjoy it.   And I was determined to start embracing the magic in life again and celebrate each day. When you start at ground zero, it forces you to slow down and assess what is important and what is not.   Funny thing is, living life is a lot like farming, you have to plant and sow the right kind seeds which will grow and yield and be bountiful.  Seriously, farmers can only grow certain crops that are best suited for the climate and conditions of their land, and so it is the same for a person.  You have to decide what your own landscape is going to look like and then roll up your sleeves and get to work.  Is it easy? Hell no! But eventually the sun breaks out of the storm clouds and you get a glimpse of something great in the making. And that is why as Thanksgiving rolls around it is more (to me) than just a holiday of food, family  & football, it’s time to take stock of where you have been and if what you are growing in the garden of your soul is thriving.  If it is, then keep on doing  what you are doing; if it isn’t then you have some work ahead of you.  For me, I am still planting good things, sometimes I have to dig up what wasn’t working and of course, always be on the lookout for weeds.  Cuz just like gardening, if you let the bad seeds start, they will try to overtake all your hard work. J

On the farm front, the winter wheat is beginning to show a tint of green due to the welcome moisture we’ve been getting.  The equipment has been put away until Spring and it’s quiet on the farm.  This is the time that those in the Ag industry get to slow down and recharge their batteries.  I wrote more about that in the magazine called Home and Harvest and I invite you to check it out. It’s a wonderful publication.

My kitchen is one of my favorite places to putter. create and relax

Today I’m trying my hand at a vegan, gluten free pumpkin pie for my baby brother, Barry. Of course, I’ll be making the regular pumpkin pies too.  And just for my sweetheart, Randy – well he’s coming over tonight and we’re going to whip up a batch of banana/blueberry muffins for his work mates.

After the holidays, I’ll post pictures on the At Home on the Farm page, and if the vegan gluten free pie is good, I’ll post that recipe on the pumpkin page.  Good thing my brother is always a willing guinea-pig for my baking experiments…..

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart that you took time out to stop by.  I wish for you  a blessed Thanksgiving.  And before I conclude, here’s a wonderful quote:

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings”    William Arthur Ward

Blessings to all, Gayle

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Embracing Fall

Good Morning Friends,

I awoke early, thank heavens it wasn’t an ungodly hour to get up. I’m sitting by the fireplace, watching the band of an orange glow that is just is peaking over the rolling hills I call home and it delights me every time I see it.  The fields by now have all been either seeded into winter wheat or disked up and will wait until early Spring before anymore field activity will take place on them.

 A view from my living room, watching the sun come up

An early morning snack...the "girls" have discovered my newly seeded "no water grass seed" under the straw....
yup it's a smorgasbord! 

Fall is my very favorite season.   When nature makes her bright splashes of color  known, it just signals a time to want to nest (yup just like the chickens) and stay indoors to bake and cook as well as getting a chance to reconnect with family and friends.  Maybe that is why  the colors I chose in my home reflect  what Fall means to me.  I use lots of golds, reds, oranges, rich browns and  green.  It’s sort of a hodge podge of color, but it you look outside, it is the same way, and for me, it works.

So come along and I’ll you a home tour….
Yard art... all decked out in Fall's bounty, straw bales, corn stalks, and pumpkins galore!

My  Angel's on a day at the farm.

It was so much fun decorating with the pumpkins that I grew... plus  daughter Jen  loaded me up with different colored ones from her  garden .

Next., a peek inside

Ready for tour #2?

As always, thanks for stopping by.  I'm just a click away at swheatfarmlife@ gmail.com or comments are welcome. =)   All my best, Gayle