Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A URL upgrade

When I utter the words “ I have a plan” to family and friends… well it strikes terror in their hearts much to my amusement, cuz they wonder which end of the “plan” they will be on!! LOL.   It usually involves antics that I have to talk them into.  But in this case, with the New Year, well I've been energized to clean, organize, de-clutter and simply.  If it doesn't serve a purpose in my life, well out it goes…. that is both for items and taking an inventory of where I spend my time.  I've had to make some choices and take actions to accomplish my “plan”.  And with that, you may have noticed my blog looks a bit different, there is still more work to do on it, as it has sort of become like a junk drawer where everything is sort of in a mess.  And I am working to clean it up – so keep watching.  =)   I am also moving the URL from  to my official new blog name, S-Wheat Farm Life   effective 2/17/15 .  Because YOU are important to me, I don’t want to lose you or you lose me, so come next week, this is where you can find me in the event the transition gets bumpy.  Honestly I consider you a friend who has traveled with me on the road of life where sometimes the road was bumpy and you told me it would be okay and in the good times we laughed together, and that means the world to me.

And to give you a heads up…. Wait till ya see what “plan” my 2 girlfriends and I have put in place for our men on Valentine’s Day.    It started out with a text about where we were going to dinner… and then a “plan” developed and hatched….. oh my…. But I promise I will share!         

       As always you can email me at  to ask questions or tell me your thoughts.  Happy Valentine’s Day.  XOXO, Gayle