Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Courage of the Heart and Soul

A beautiful sunrise. Make the day count and follow your heart and soul

It’s 2:01am and I guess I had a premonition that I’d be writing in the wee hours of the morning as I’d packed my laptop up to my bedroom last night. I awoke as my brain was swirling with thoughts and  it felt like I needed to say the words.   So I  grabbed my phone and sent off a text to someone close to me who is facing her own struggles and battles. Normally I don’t do those kinds of things at this hour, but in this instance, it is okay. Then I thought I needed to make it into a blog post.  So here is what I sent in that text -  I told her that I was always thinking of her and that she is brave and beautiful. That she will rise above  the difficulties and hurtles before her and will emerge a stronger woman as she comes into her own power. That she will know what course in life to take and it will align with her heart and soul.   I told her she was loved by the good Lord as well as by me and so many others. 

I’ve fought those same battles, so I have a pretty good understanding what that battlefield looks like.  While it’s hard to see the horizon in the midst of the storm, and you wonder if, with each new wave, if it will send you overboard, you grip the rail, put your head down and weather the storm.  And a new horizon is out there and the choice is yours on how you will emerge from the storm.  For me, I came into my own power and started living my life with what resonated in my heart and soul.  I found a deeper appreciation of just about everything.  I learned to give and to receive.  I know I still have new mountains to climb and there is more to do.  I just don’t exactly know what the universe has in store for me….. yet.  But it’s coming and I can feel it.

Life isn’t without struggles, some are big, some just bumps in the road and with each hurtle, there are lessons.   I found when I open up and am vulnerable, that it allows those around me to be comfortable with their vulnerability as well.  I hope that what I see and share somehow helps others.  And so those that follow this blog (thank you) know that with each new morning is an opportunity to be true to you.  And hopefully you can seek out what will make your heart and soul sing with joy. With that, I’ll turn out the light and get some sleep so I can embrace the new morning (along with a lot of coffee… ugh these early morning blog sessions makes for a long day in the office)..  =)

As always, I love hearing from you and I’m just a click away at swheatfarmlife@gmail.com.  All my best, Gayle

Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Heartfelt Note

Good morning and Sunday Blessings to you.

A couple days ago, I received an email from someone I've met through my writing.  She reached out to me, a heartfelt email saying she was struggling in her life, didn't like being single, was lonely and sometimes wished she would just go to sleep and never wake up.
This is part of what I wrote to her, and I felt moved to share it with you.  By now, I have realized that I don't question whether to share intense personal thoughts, I just do it because I feel compelled to do so.  The words, thoughts and feelings will flow and although it helps me intensely, maybe it helps you too. I hope so.  And with that.....

Dear friend,

My heart truly hurts for you.  Through all my heartache and hard times, I did not ever feel moved to wish I wasn't here on earth.  Please know I care.  As each person is the captain of their own ship, the course where you want to travel is up to you. While sometimes the journey is far from easy, each time I've left the rough waters and sailed into the smooth waters, a lesson has emerged and I've realized how much I needed to learn that particular lesson.  I found the silver linings.  Here are the things that I feel are necessary to navigate life's  journey. 

First, a thorough medial checkup. It is important for body, heart and soul to be healthy. 

Next is realizing you are a true work of art in God's eyes.  You have gifts to share, what they are, are only known to you and God, please don't waste them.  There is a plan and you are a needed part of the over all plan.  Look at life as a recipe being put together, perhaps you are the binder of all the other ingredients, such as flour, or maybe you are a minor part such as salt - but either way, both are important and critical to the success of the end product.  Without either, the recipe would fail.

Next surround you with supportive (good) people, whether it be family and/or friends  - hopefully it will be both.  Also seek out additional guidance, whether it be spiritual or a trained counselor.   

Next you need to commit to realizing that caring for your body, just like you would care for your child, is vital.  Take care of you!  Strive to eat right, get fresh air and exercise.  I love to walk (I’m not so great at getting myself into the gym… no one is perfect) .  I notice when I get cranky or feeling grumpy that I haven’t been outdoors as much as I need to be. Nature is my soothing balm to a hurting heart.

Then commit to doing 3 nice things for YOU..  EACH DAY.  It can be as simple as taking a bubble bath in the evening, giving yourself permission to watch a movie rather than mopping the floor, whatever – just do three nice things for you.

Find inspiration and read something that is good for the spirit.  I have found several books that I read and re-read.  Sometimes everyday, sometimes when I need them. Turn off the TV and listen to music.  Listen, really listen to the words of songs.  My personals fav are country and gospel rock, you can hear, feel and understand the pain, sorrow, joy and renewal that comes through music.

Please know through it all, that you are loved by our Lord, by so many others in this world, and that you a beautiful piece of work in the miracle of this so-called life here on earth.  Never give up.  Learn to embrace life and live the life you imagine.  You are the only thing holding you back.  Give yourself permission to seek what fills your heart, soul and mind.  And may you live the rest of your life with gratitude, grace and gumption.

All my best,
