Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Courage of the Heart and Soul

A beautiful sunrise. Make the day count and follow your heart and soul

It’s 2:01am and I guess I had a premonition that I’d be writing in the wee hours of the morning as I’d packed my laptop up to my bedroom last night. I awoke as my brain was swirling with thoughts and  it felt like I needed to say the words.   So I  grabbed my phone and sent off a text to someone close to me who is facing her own struggles and battles. Normally I don’t do those kinds of things at this hour, but in this instance, it is okay. Then I thought I needed to make it into a blog post.  So here is what I sent in that text -  I told her that I was always thinking of her and that she is brave and beautiful. That she will rise above  the difficulties and hurtles before her and will emerge a stronger woman as she comes into her own power. That she will know what course in life to take and it will align with her heart and soul.   I told her she was loved by the good Lord as well as by me and so many others. 

I’ve fought those same battles, so I have a pretty good understanding what that battlefield looks like.  While it’s hard to see the horizon in the midst of the storm, and you wonder if, with each new wave, if it will send you overboard, you grip the rail, put your head down and weather the storm.  And a new horizon is out there and the choice is yours on how you will emerge from the storm.  For me, I came into my own power and started living my life with what resonated in my heart and soul.  I found a deeper appreciation of just about everything.  I learned to give and to receive.  I know I still have new mountains to climb and there is more to do.  I just don’t exactly know what the universe has in store for me….. yet.  But it’s coming and I can feel it.

Life isn’t without struggles, some are big, some just bumps in the road and with each hurtle, there are lessons.   I found when I open up and am vulnerable, that it allows those around me to be comfortable with their vulnerability as well.  I hope that what I see and share somehow helps others.  And so those that follow this blog (thank you) know that with each new morning is an opportunity to be true to you.  And hopefully you can seek out what will make your heart and soul sing with joy. With that, I’ll turn out the light and get some sleep so I can embrace the new morning (along with a lot of coffee… ugh these early morning blog sessions makes for a long day in the office)..  =)

As always, I love hearing from you and I’m just a click away at swheatfarmlife@gmail.com.  All my best, Gayle

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