Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Farm-chick goes to the Big City

A visit to Boise to see Miss Kaitlyn and my niece, Miss Sarah was just what the doctor ordered. Kaitlyn had lined up fun things to do once I invaded the big city (thank heavens for GPS…. for this directionaly challenged farm-chick!!).  I’ll just say having no sense of direction makes navigating an adventure in my life.   What I learned is everyone in the Boise area identifies where they live by the “cross roads” closest to them.  It makes sense when you think about it.  Unlike us country folk who used to use landmark items such as garbage dumpsters to help direct people where to go for a rural residence……”just go past 2 dumpsters on Old Highway 95 and turn right at the dumpster by the telephone pole, then my house is 2 miles…. Lol – you get the picture.  Once the county removed dumpsters, geez I had to find  a whole new way to direct people to my house or sometimes try to help strangers when they showed up lost.  I had to learn road names and not say things like, “go past the old Smith barn”….. But still with GPS people can still get directed strange ways to their destination, so now I don’t feel so bad with my hodge podge directions.  =)

The 3 crazy artists- good thing we all have day jobs or we would be starving artists!
Kaitlyn showed her momma a grand time and we went a place that was sort of like an automated wine bar where you could get a taste or a glass with  an over-whelming selection to choose from.  We also went to a painting class where again you sip wine while painting your masterpiece. (see above)

We ate scrumptious food, we ate junk food like ice cream that looks like “potatoes”, then ordered a side of French fries….  We also just hung out in Sarah’s back yard and chatted/read and enjoyed soaking up some sun.  Going to a new city is enjoyable, new sights and things to do that aren’t available here does two things for me, I get to enjoy new things all the while knowing I love my simple and quiet rural life. I think it’s the quiet and peacefulness that helps keep me centered and happy.  So while driving home, I started thinking about my “cross-roads” of where I come from and decided my life will always be at the corner of  “loving life” and “being happy”.  Sort of makes you think, doesn’t it?  And if I may ask, what are your cross-roads? 

Clothes on the line, chickens roaming and quiet evenings

My little piece of heaven all in bloom
As for the crop report, while sitting at my new “summer spot” to write....
My summer writing spot

I watched Farmer Jay spraying the peas for weeds and other than the crop duster overhead, those were the only noises this country girl heard in her quiet oasis.  The weather forecast says it looks like it is going to get really warm this week-end and the crops should be in pretty good shape.  It is fortunate that the peas have not started blooming yet, so the heat won’t shut the flowering process down. We’ve had  good moisture and with the warm temps you will almost, if you listen careful enough, be able to hear those plants grow!

Series of 3 pictures: The sprayer folds up compactly for transport. Once in the field, it starts to unfold

The beginning of unfolding the sprayer, one side at a time

The sprayer being fully unfolded

Oh and had to share one more thing…. My farm had a chicken tragedy, I checked on the chicken girls Thursday night, shut up their coop, but the next morning, I found Miss One-eyed Bertha dead.  She was old in chicken standards – so she got to live a good life.  I have two new ones coming and are being personally raised by the grand-angels.  One of which I’m told has crazy hair, just like grandma….. hmmm.

With that, I”ll close for now and hope your week is a great one.  I truly love our time together, so hope you stop by again.  As always, feel free to email me at swheatfarmlife@gmail.com.    
All my best, Gayle

PS.  I had a first that has never ever happened to me and I had to share.  While having breakfast one morning at a small café, the male manager/waiter asked for my phone number.  And yes I did question Kaitlyn if she had paid him to do that, she swears she didn’t and she loved having it happen in front of her, then said “you go girl”!  It made my day, literally.

Monday, May 23, 2016

True Colors and Courage

Again it’s been another rainy week-end and I’ve loved having the stormy weather as it seemed to be Mother Natures’ way of saying, “hey girl – you need to cocoon and take some needed down time”.  So that is exactly what I did, I enjoyed hearing the steady stream of rain outside my window and the cool temps made me go find my favorite fleece jacket.  

 The gray day seems  to make the surrounding colors outside seem brighter and more vibrant

After last week’s post, I had the most touching and personal emails from two of my readers, both of whom I have the privilege of calling good friends.  Both women live hundreds of miles from me, but when we do have the opportunity to see each other, it’s like we just pick up where we left off. They said my candor inspired them to reveal and share very private aspects of their lives.  I learned one had the courage to disclose she was gay and had gotten married to a very special woman in her life not long ago.  Her career is in a fairly conservative industry, so when I asked how her boss and co-workers took this news, she was happy to say they were very supportive.   She is a known public figure and one very accomplished woman – and the raw courage to show your true self was nothing short of being one of the bravest souls I know.

The other friend told me about hitting rock bottom in her personal life and the journey of reaching deep down and figuring out she was a wonderful and strong woman who could do anything she wanted in life.  She decided to forge a new career path and put herself through college while in her 30s, and in the process found a man that she chose to share her life with. She's happy in her personal life and work life.   Both heartfelt stories were inspirational and they reaffirmed my commitment to always being real, staying true to what feeds my heart and soul and sharing my journey with you, in hopes it helps you in some small way.

Life’s ups and downs have a way of making people show their real colors, and like my two girlfriends. Each rose to the challenges in their lives and are inspirations in their own right.  Their true colors are courage, guts and doing what they felt was right.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”~– Anais Nin

I can understand some of their journey of standing tall and doing what you need to do – for the good of you.   This past week I also learned sometimes a when a person shows their true colors that it is not always a positive thing and that a hidden side of a personality is suddenly exposed.   Unfortunately, this was the case with Randy.  And without going into gory details, all I’ll say is that it was an unpleasant surprise and a very disappointing display of actions on his part both before the break-up and after.    But the really weird thing is after I found out about everything, it was like I turned the corner, closed that chapter in my life for good, and I felt free, not even bad, just free.

I had planned on sharing a Peanut Butter Cake recipe, but the results were lack luster.  And like anything in life, you have to test it out to see if it’s a keeper or not. 

Before I close, in speaking about raw courage and true colors, a very heartfelt thank you to all who serve our nation to protect us both  on our home land and far away.  My heroes are those who risk their lives every day to protect our world and make it a better place--police, firefighters, and members of our armed forces.

And with that, I hope you have a wonderful week, I’ll talk to you after Memorial Day Week-end.  

As always, thank you for stopping by and feel free to email me at swheatfarmlife@gmail.com .  All my best, Gayle