Tonight, as I looked out the kitchen window, I saw the snow
falling lightly and I just felt
compelled to get outside. Sometimes just
being outdoors helps me soothe my soul if I’m troubled by anything. First I walked around a bit, then the front
porch beckoned and there I ended up with a cup of tea in hand, a warm wool
blanket on my lap and continued to watch the snow. There was no sound except
the occasional rattle of the windmill and it was truly a glorious feeling.
With a mix of emotions, I thought this will
probably be my last winter here. It’s
time for a change of location for this farm-chick. Now the hard part is in what
town? There are a few target areas all within about 15-20 minutes from where I now live,
but I don’t have a real sense of where I
want to end up. And to be frank, it’s
driving this focus driven gal sort of nuts. Then to add another layer of crazy to the mix,
a new idea has popped into this head of mine on a possible new business
opportunity that I want to do. Am I certifiably
insane? Probably, but I think that is
part of my charm….. or so I’m told. And
because I’m a bit impulsive…. okay a whole lot impulsive, my goal is to really
think things through. I’m sure this is
going to get the 2:00 am wake up to write routine started again (sigh).
Drifts make interesting textures in the yard |
While I was sitting outside, I thought about
the time spent last night and this morning with Miss N, one of the
grand-angels, and we went through 2
entire books of the I Spy series. We
spent a couple hours finding the hidden objects that are really right in front
of you, but are not so obvious because all the other “busy stuff” going on in
the picture.
And Miss N in her wise 8
year old logic would say, I know I can find it, it right in front of my face, I
just have to look harder. And that is
how I am feeling, the right choice is right in front of me, I just need to
clear out the clutter and cobwebs in order to see the big picture. And with
that, I know we will be chatting again soon as I know “clarity of some sort”
will make itself known in the wee hours of the night and I will have the need
to write.
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Banana bread was in the oven and we enjoyed the morning with the I Spy books |
As always, thanks for stopping by and feel free to drop me
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or leave a comment on the blog. They are always make me smile. All my best, Gayle