Monday, April 12, 2010

We're ready to go, but the tractor had other ideas...

As I was driving home from work last Friday, I saw the tractor, the seed truck and the anhydrous ammonia truck in the field.  Oh boy, it looks like we're able to get back into the field again!  The snow was gone and the ground was dry enough to begin seeding spring wheat.  So I parked my car and hopped out to snap a few pictures for the blog when I spot brother in law, Jay walking to the tractor and then I saw....
a repair truck!  Ugh, this is not what you want to see in the field as a breakdown is the bane of all farmers.   There is never a good time for repairs,  but the worst possible day is, you guessed it, a Friday afternoon because there is a very good chance that nothing will get done until parts arrive, which usually is Monday, maybe Tuesday.   So with 40 acres left of spring wheat to get in the ground, we are waiting for the parts to arrive.   Now as I'm writing this, it has also started raining, so it appears there is now plenty of time to get the repairs done.

Joe headed down to the Tammany farm  first thing this morning with a semi loaded with garbanzo bean seed to hopefully get started seeding.   So if you like hummas, you will be happy we are planting quite a few acres of garbanzo beans. =)    The one thing I've learned about farmers is they are patient and can take the unexpected in stride. Breakdowns and weather are just two of the things they encounter trying to do their job, but that is okay, this breed has perseverance.

P.S. - in case you are new to this blog, the Home page is what we are doing on the farm, the At Home on the Farm page is about our lives as farmers - sort of an up close & personal peek into our personal lives, the Recipe section, a Diary of a Crop, and a the Ag view with facts/figures about the inconsistancies from Food, Inc.  So as always, please email me if you have questions or leave a comment and glad you stopped by.  I hope you will come back soon.