Sometimes writing a blog is like marinating a tough cut of meat.... the proper elements and time are needed to create a good end product.... so while my thoughts are sitting and stewing over an article I read in this week's Ag section of the paper & trying to formulate what I'm wanting to blog - I thought I'd at least share with you what I saw on my bike ride from a few days ago. These scenes are just a short distance from my farmhouse.....
We are fortunate enough to be close to two land grant universities whose research is instrumental in the development of better crops for our area. Better crops are good for us (and you,the consumer).
Here is the U of I research farm, their research helps farmers and ranchers |
Here are "test plots" of various kinds of wheat |
From an earlier blog about my tour at WSU's wheat research facility, often times the wheat breeders like to grow the wheat in real time conditions as shown above in the many "test plots".
The UI facility also has cattle too |
Here is a test plot of blooming peas - which I think looks like a field of "popcorn" |
After leaving the UI Research Center, I continued down the highway and saw the yellow field & thought you might like to see it too. This crop is probably mustard (yes, the seed is used for the mustard you buy in the store) or it is a canola plant and that crop is used for the canola oil. It is so pretty when blooming, as pictured below.
Whether this is a mustard plant or a canola plant, the yellow is eye catching |
Loading up hay bales from a field |
Next I passed a hay field that had recently been cut & baled. Note the round bales in the field just above this one. Depending on the kind of hay baler the farmer owns determines what kind of size and shape of the hay bale.
Here is a garbanzo plant with a pod. This is from our field along the highway |
A view of the garbanzo field, very green and lush at this stage |
Our garb field in the forefront, and a different color of green crop is our
spring wheat. |
So now you got to see what I see on almost on a daily basis and hope you enjoyed it. As always, please feel free to email me at if you have questions or comments or leave me a comment ( I love those too). All my best, Gayle