Friday, May 10, 2019

Women - the 8th Wonder of the World!

Me in my in my imperfectly perfect place

A few years back, a group of us farm-wives were chatting about our lives and the ever-growing demands on our time, referring to family, jobs outside the home as well as the full time job of in the home and around the farm.  And I’ll never forget the comment one friend said, “I need a wife!!”  Meaning, she wanted a person who would be the behind the scenes fixer, the person who shopped, cooked, cleaned, did laundry, ran errands, and took care of all the details large and small to make life run smoothly.  Basically, to me, it sounded a lot like a personal servant. And I have to tell you it sounded absolutely divine.  The moment she uttered those words, we all stopped talking, looked at her in awe and agreed, we all needed wives!  

As Mother’s Day approaches, let us celebrate us as women.  We are amazing in our own right.  Let us celebrate the woman who kissed our scrapes and told us all would be well, the woman who helped make life as we grew up just a little bit better, the comfort of the company of your own kind that can laugh with you as well as commiserate the ups and downs of life.  We do so much, sometimes with so little and make it look effortless to the outside world.  I think women, and I mean all women are truly the 8th Wonder of the World, and I’m serious.  We are an amazing breed and we need to take the time to celebrate the beauty in each of us, in our lives.  Whoever you are, where ever you are as you are reading this, know that you are a unique and remarkable in your own wright.

Happy Mother’s Day to all, whether you are actual moms or not, remember to treat you like you would a child by making sure to nurture, care and protect you. And I’ll leave you with this quote that my friend, Vicki sent to me  that sums it up perfectly……There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection, to me that is the true essence of beauty ~Steve Maraboli

Wishing you a wonderful day to celebrate you!  And a blessed Mother's Day to all the women in my life who are extraordinary in my eyes.

As always, feel free to email me at , or leave a comment on the blogpost too.  All my best, Gayle 



  1. As a woman I can say we are underrated in life! We do so much and rarely receive recognition.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Yes, so true. Woman are an amazing and we need to step up, lean in and recognize it is us that makes the world go round. =) Thanks for the comment. All my best, Gayle

  2. This is so beautifully written. Thank you. May I share it with my daughter and my nieces? My nieces lost their mom in February of 2017, and tomorrow is going to be hard on all of them. Happy Mothers' Day to you and your daughters. Have a wonderful day.

  3. Hi Betty,
    I'm so sorry I didn't see your post! I hope you shared the post with your daughter and nieces. And thank you for the kind words. Always feel free to share any post. All my best, Gayle
