Monday, May 25, 2015

A Farm-chick thank you 
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Memorial Day.  A heartfelt thank you to all the brave men and women whose service and sacrifice keeps us safe and protects our freedom.

All my best Gayle

P,S.  I'll have a new post tomorrow.... I can wait to tell you what I've been up too.  I'll share a new recipe, a "how to" project,  a sneak peak of what I'm doing to my ugly yard..... hint: several back-pack sprayer loads of "Round-up", a dump truck load of rocks and a bit of inspiration  - it's still a work in process - but I still want to show you what an imagination can do.  I've added a few new members to my farm... and gosh lots more to catch up on. Talk to you soon! G.

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