Well my friends, the nut behind the computer key board (me) was having difficulty getting some videos loaded to tell you that we have been rained out, greened out and been having mechanical issues with Farmer Joe’s combine. So I have lots to share with you, so come along and I’ll tell you all about it…. (many of these videos were taken over several days)
Some of the wheat around our house was too green to harvest, so we moved to another field about 5 miles down the road. Farmer Joe was not getting to harvest until late afternoon on a couple of those days due to mechanical breakdowns on his header (yes again), but we did manage to get that field harvested and moved back to our home place. Here is a video of the semi trucks moving back into the field by our farm house.
While harvesting, one of the chains was slipping so Farmer Joe moved the combine to level ground to do some minor adjustments as pictured below
Farmer Joe working on his combine |
Wheat that was bunched up in the header due to the chain slipping |
A view of what the inner workings of a combine look like. The side panel was up, so I snapped this picture. |
Here is a video of my grand angels after their ride in the combine with Papa. So far they have been logging in many rides as they can.
A storm came through and brought lots of lightening, thunder and some rain. Here you can see the dark clouds starting to roll in the picture below.
Son in law, Soren holding Natalie watching the combine. |
Kaitlyn, our daughter, along with Andrew (her boyfriend)were visiting for the week-end and helped shuffle equipment from one field to another. Even though Andrew grew up on a cattle feeding operation, she wanted to show him that she thought she could drive a tractor better than he could.... =)
Andrew and Kaitlyn pausing in between moving equipment |
Daughter Jen and son in law Soren, along with Maggie and Natalie while waiting for rides in the combine |
A view of the combine harvesting down a hill |
Another view of the combine harvesting on our rolling hills here in North Idaho |
Earlier in the week, Ty, the brother of Cody (our hired man) came out to show his city born girlfriend what a farm looked like and to ride in a combine. While she liked seeing what we do, she was not ready to give up life in Seattle.
Welina and Farmer Joe |
With harvest in full swing, here is what is happening all around us.
A view of the service truck working on Farmer Joe's combine. The service trucks come out to the field to service the combines.
Farmer Joe was down helping Farmer Jay with the Spring wheat at the Tammany Farm and after he got home, we headed into Moscow and came upon more combines moving from field to field on highway 95.
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Not unusal to see combines traveling down the highway to get to their fields |
Baby Maggie our newest "farmerette" was baptized last Sunday. Normally this kind of thing goes under the At Home on the Farm page.... but I've been neglecting my other blog pages.
Daddy Soren, Mommy Jen and baby Maggie with our Pastor |
Lastly even in the middle of harvest, I've been getting ready for our 3rd annual Dinner on the Farm series..... which is only a week away now.
Whew! There you have it, it has been very hectic. Farmer Jay only has a couple more days to go before he finishes the Spring wheat down at the Tammany farm, then he will start harvesting garbanzos. Farmer Joe will finish the winter wheat on our home place, then hopefully start on Spring wheat. So thanks for stopping by. Email me at idahofarmwife@gmail.com if you have comments/questions or post a one on the blog. All my best, Gayle
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