Sunday, October 18, 2020

You, Me and Respect


Greetings friends,

On this splendidly glorious rainy Sunday, it’s a day to cocoon, pull on a sweater and comfy jeans maybe read, nap, bake or enjoy some comfort food.  And I fully plan to do all of the above, except I have some thoughts and the words that want to come out regarding something that is bothering me.

A couple days ago I had a childhood friend that I keep in touch with send me a very long impassioned message about who was the best candidate (in her opinion) to run the country.  And I read the lengthy text, but what really bothered me was the last sentence in which she said, regardless who wins the election she hoped we could still be friends!  It took me by surprise, literally!

And I wondered where did that came from???   I seriously can’t ever recall me posting anything outright political, I may “like” or “share” something on FB, but even that is rare if it is political in nature.  So, I ignored the political stuff and simply said back, of course we would always be friends. And I meant every word. I thought this would be a good topic to discuss openly to all since I have noticed an uptick in people being very vocal about their beliefs.  I see it in my own family and thus felt I had to write and express what has been on my heart now for some time.

For months now, I have mostly have avoided TV news and limit FB severely as it saddens my heart to see the crazy stuff going on and the things people post and whatnot.  For me, my views on politics and religion are private. I will listen to what others say – but mostly I work really hard to stay out of the fray. How I vote and pray is not anyone’s business but my own.  How you vote and practice religion is none of my business. I have friends whose political stance is known, and while I may not share their beliefs, I value their friendship more – so I will watch and listen, but don’t engage.  Believe what you want, respect others who have their own opinions and maybe you will have to agree to disagree.  If you like to debate issues, fine, but - be respectful, kind and let it go if you don’t see eye to eye.  In four years, there will be another election and choices to make, so  would it be worth giving up on cherished friends over politics?  Not in this girl’s book.  But that is just my 2cents.

So as we all move forward in these next weeks before November elections, let us remember what we were taught in kindergarten, or Sunday School or by our parents – play nice, be kind, keep your hands to yourself, respect yourself and others, don’t hit and if you do something mean, say you are sorry.  Just basic stuff, but it can go a long way. 

Remember to be good to you as these are stressful times with COVID19, political unrest and having to navigate chaos in our daily world.  Do what you have to do to keep balance and positivity in your world.  Take care and wishing everyone a warm, cozy Sunday. As always, I appreciate your comments, so feel free to post, or email me at and share the post if you feel inspired.  All my best, Gayle


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