Sunday, August 9, 2020

Chapters 2 and 3, Life Stages

Week 2 and 3,  August 9, 2020

Greetings from the farmette.  From the last post on working on the chapters of “A Year for You” here’s the progress report. Chapter Two’s focus was finding a place in your home that is special, a place that invites cozy, comfort and security. 

A place where it is your anchor.  That was easy as my favorite place  in my home is a chair in the sunroom where I usually almost always choose to write. It’s next to the pellet stove on cold days and on warmer days, I take in the view on my little piece of heaven.  Although last week there was a bit of exception as I was enjoying some much needed down time with Rod on the boat on the Snake River, where cell service and people were in scare supply.  I enjoyed chapter two and three lounging in the sun. 

Chapter Three had the analogy of life stages are a lot like planting a flower garden, the first year the plants “sleep”, the second  year they “creep” and third year they “leap”.   And then you had to decide with stage fit you.  I am definitely in the “leap” cycle.  These last 7 years in my single status, I have gone from the sleep stage and as I healed and grew – it was like the creep  stage where plants begin to grow and reach out after getting a good grip on being acclimated.  It feels good to be in the leap stage of life. It's full of all sorts of good things, possibilities and the start of a new beginning with Rod, here full time.

As for the new “we” chapter with having Rod move in with me, the final move was easy. He mostly brought with him his clothes and personal items, and some kitchen stuff.  He remarked just yesterday, that it feels like home to him.  The week he had to be out of the Spokane house was the same week his brother and sister-in-law were moving to a new home after living out of a specialized camper wherein in they had traveled the world as their retirement adventure. Now they were ready to settle back in the USA, had very little furniture having sold almost everything when they embarked on their worldwide 3 year site-seeing trip. Rod and I felt like it was our Creator’s hand in the perfect timing and we kept marveling at the perfectness of it. 

So as I readjust from “me” to “we” status, it feels so right.  Having to brag on him a bit, it is truly like having my own personal chef create dinner at night, as well as having a gardener too.

I seriously sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. We both realize we each have been graced with a second chance at happiness and know that we have been blessed. So I’ll take his snoring and absentmindedness in stride, while he puts up with my icy cold hands and feet along with other goofy things that I am sure cause him to shake his head. Lol

And as you are reading this, if you are married or in a relationship, I hope that you look at your person with love and gratitude for being in your life.  If you are single, please don’t lose hope that the right one will come along if that is what you desire. Most of all, relish and focus on the good things in life, commit to working on the areas in life that need tending to.  Life isn’t perfect, but it can be a fulfuilling one if you step back and let our Creator be your guide. Trust me on this. 

As always, thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your time.  If you have a comment or thoughts, I’d love to hear from you. So leave me a comment or email at  I love to hear your stories on life, love and learning.  All my best, Gayle 

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