Driving through “Big Sky” country which some refer to as Montana, is the place I spent the first part of my childhood and that the wide open spaces seem to inspire creativity where thoughts seem to evolve and take form on topics that I want to write about, such as “care labels”. I began thinking about a seminar I attended called “Choosing Happy” and maybe you are wondering my I’m telling you about the topic of being happy on a farm blog, well read on and I’ll explain…..
Happiness has many forms, people, places and sometimes things, but mostly it must originate from within. The seminar talked about “care labels” as in the kind you find on the backs of clothes. These labels tell you how to properly care for your item . And it hit me, wheat plants (as well as the other crops) and humans all have “care labels” for optimum growth and nurturing (properly cared for = HAPPY). A plant’s instructions are pretty simple, soil, sun and adequate moisture. If it gets those things and the farmer helps keep the weeds and bugs to a minimum, and assuming the weatherman doesn’t throw in any bad weather, then you can pretty much be guaranteed of a good yield. But for us humans…. Well we are a bit more complex in what it takes to keep us in good shape. Wouldn’t it be great to see another person’s “care label” the first time you met them? You would at a glance know all about them… for example my care label would look like this:
Made in PNW (Pacific Northwest)
Lot number: March 31
30% optimistic
20% driven 20% sarcastic 20% caring 10% organized*
*Other minor trace fibers may contain sassy, impatience, impulsive
Wash in warm water; add coffee, chocolate, beer/wine, fresh fruits/veggies & pasta for best results
For optimum care add in music, aesthetic settings, fresh air, honesty, love, volunteerism & farm-chick projects
Do not use negative attitudes or leave in chaos or muggy/hot climates
The green headed wheat will soon be golden &
then the combines will come out to play (which is also called "Harvest")
As my farm is in the business of helping to feed America, I also like to showcase other American businesses or companies because American made is the best, whether in crops or products! And so getting back to the care labels…. As I mentioned in other blogs, I often get companies that offer to send me products to test out or review. So when the Duluth Trading Company contacted me to inquire if I wanted to try out some of their products, I asked if their clothing was made in America and did they use American grown cotton for their jeans? The reply was yes on the cotton and some products were made in the USA, while some were not . Farmer Jay was excited to get to try out the jeans (as he had seen their humorous commercials) !!
Farmer Jay ( modeling his jeans) with son, Mr. Z
As for this picture, I added it just because I liked this as one of dad & son.....
As for me, I had the opportunity to try out a new shirt (Armachillo shirt #53225)specially made for wicking away moisture,UPF40 sun protection, plus a sun hat (#50227)which also has sun protection & is lightweight too. The day I wore it, it was 97, sunny & therefore a good test.
Me with my "new favorite shirt & hat"
I love truth in advertising and the Duluth Trading Company delivered what they promised. So as a way to pay a good thing forward, I will offer another give away ! Win a shirt like mine (men or women's). One shirt will be given away & the winner will be selected by impartial judges (as I would love all the care labels sent & unable to choose!) All you have to do is email me (or post on this blog) what your "CARE LABEL" is! Please note my NEW email address swheatfarmlife@gmail.com . Remember if you post your care label to this blog, then please email me your contact info & size if you are selected. (contest ends August 31, 2013)
As always, I am so glad you stopped by to see what was happening in this farm-chick's world. One co-worker says all her staff have their "care labels" posted on a bulletin board at their work site. After all, care labels are meant to get the best use for optimum results with the right treatment! So why wait, get to work on that care label (hmmm maybe I should add "bossy" to my care label!) =)
All my best, Gayle
P.S. Hope your July 4th is a wonderful one. Be safe.
All my best, Gayle
P.S. Hope your July 4th is a wonderful one. Be safe.
My care label
made in PNW
lot # march26
30% fun
25% caring
20% mouthy
15% organized
5% bitch
5% miscillanious
wash with warm water,water with coke feed a variety of foods,give words of affirmation and fertilize with liccorice,and regular sex for best results.
special needs ... protection,unconditional love,and loyalty, music,and regular trips