Today is National Ag Day and I wanted to share the following YouTube video.
if you can't view the video, click here)
And as you gather around your dinner table tonight, whether or not you personally know any farmers or ranchers, say a prayer for those of us in the business of growing America's food. And should you see or hear something that concerns you about how your food raised, go to your State organization and ask them the questions or ask them to put you in touch with a farmer that is in your area. Believe me, local and State organizations would welcome your questions. For a listing, you can check out my other blog, Farmer, Inc The Real Story. that has many blogs of the real life people who raise our food, plus a link to the local, national or state agencies that can give you the true information.
Again, thanks for stopping by and I am always just a click away at All my best, Gayle
From one farmer (pear orchardist) to another -- THANK YOU!! :-)